10 Lines on Butterfly | 10 Sentences About Butterfly for Class 1,2,3,4,5

 Hello Students, How are you doing? Hope you all are doing well. 10 Lines on Butterfly is the most commonly asked question in the examination. This is one of the important 10 liners, so it is better to be prepared for 10 sentences about butterfly before the examination. Hope these 10 Lines on Butterfly will help you in your exam. This essay is also helpful for the students who are searching for 5 lines on Butterfly.

If you are searching for the 10 lines on Butterfly or 5 lines on Butterfly, then this essay is for you. These 10 lines on Butterfly will be helpful for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 students. Here I am giving you 20 lines on Butterfly so that it will be easy for you to pick up your favorite 10 lines.

10 Lines on Butterfly in English 

10 Lines on Butterfly

Bellow, I am giving you 20 lines on Butterfly. Choose the 10 lines that you like the most from the 20 sentences about butterfly. If you are searching for the 5 lines on Butterfly then you also can consider this essay and can choose any 5 lines of these 20 lines.

10 Lines on Butterfly for Class 1,2,3,4,5,6

  1. The butterfly is a small beautiful looking insect.
  2. There are various colors of butterflies found in nature.
  3. Butterflies are born from eggs.
  4. The baby butterfly is called Caterpillar.
  5. Butterflies have 6 legs and 4 wings and 2 antennas.
  6. The wings of the butterflies are full of different colors.
  7. They see and smell anything by using their antenna.
  8. Queen Alexandra's Birdwing is the biggest butterfly in the World.
  9. Butterflies collect nectar from the flowers.
  10. Butterflies are mostly found in the gardens during the daytime.

10 Sentences about Butterfly for Class 1,2,3,4,5

Sl. No Sentences
1 Butterflies are beautiful flying insects.
2 It is found in different colors and sizes in Nature.
3 It has three parts in the body and that is head, thorax, and abdomen.
4 Butterflies can travel 10 to 15 KM in an hour.
5 The average life span of the butterflies is one to two weeks.
6 I love to watch butterflies in my garden.
7 Around 18,000 species of butterflies are found in the world.
8 They are cold-blooded insects.
9 Butterflies use their feet to taste the food.
10 The wings of the butterfly are transparent covered with scales.

These are the few lines on Butterfly that you can write if it is asked in your examination.

5 Lines on Tiger

If you are searching for the 5 lines on the Butterfly then you also can consider this essay. If the question is asked in your examination to write 5 lines on Butterfly then write any 5 lines out of these 20 lines on Butterfly.

Queries Solved about 10 Lines on Butterfly

In this single article, many queries related to 10 lines on butterfly solved. So it is important to know all the queries that you are searching about the sentences on Butterfly. The following are given some of the queries that are solved here.

If you are searching for 10 lines on Butterfly, 10 sentences about Butterfly, Few lines on Butterfly, 5 lines on Butterfly, 5 sentences about Butterfly for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5 then you can consider this short essay on butterfly.


These are the 10 Lines on Butterfly for the Class 1 to Class 5 students. If the question is asked in your exam to write 10 lines on Butterfly or 5 lines on Butterfly then you can consider this short essay. We would recommend not to copy-paste these lines on Tiger rather than you can read it several times and then write it on your own. It will help to boost your writing power. This essay is helpful for those students who are searching for the 10 lines on Butterfly for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5.
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