5 Lines on Parrot in English For Class 1 to 5 Students[10 Lines Also]
Hey Students! How your study is going on? Hope you all are doing great. 5 Lines on Parrot are the frequently asked question in the examination. This short essay on parrot is important for all the students who are in classes 1 to 5. So you have to be prepared for these 5 lines on parrot essay before your examination. If 10 lines on Parrot are asked in your examination then you also can consider this essay.
If you are searching for the 5 lines on Parrot or 10 lines on Parrot then these few lines on parrot is helpful for you. In this article, I provide 20 lines on parrot so that it will be helpful for both students who are looking for 5 lines on Parrot and 10 lines on Parrot.
5 Lines on Parrot in English
Below I am giving you 20 lines on Parrot in English. If the question is asked in your examination to write 5 lines on Parrot or 10 lines on parrot then you can choose any 5 or 10 lines from the bellow given 20 lines on the Parrot.
The wings of the parrot are covered with feathers.
Many types of parrots are seen in the World.
5 Sentences About Parrot for Class 1,2,3,4,5
A parrot is a colorful bird.
It has a red beak.
The male parrot has a black strip around its neck.
Parrot eats insects, grains, vegetables, and fruits.
Parrot love to eat red chilly.
Few Lines on Parrot for Class 1,2,3,4,5
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Parrots generally live in Jungle.
There are 402 species of parrots found in the World.
Parrots can fly at very high speed.
Parrot is a quick learner bird.
The parrot can learn to speak like humans.
The average life span of a parrot is 40 to 50 years.
The Hyacinth Macaw is the world's largest parrot species found in South America.
Many species are in danger of extinction due to climate change and human behavior.
Many people keep Parrot as pets in cages.
I feel bad when I see parrots in cages.
These are the 20 Lines on Parrot that you can write in the examination if it is asked to write 5 lines on parrot or 10 lines on parrot.
10 Lines on Parrot
This short essay is not only for the students who are searching for the 5 lines on Parrot but also helpful for the students who are searching for the 10 lines on parrot because here I am giving 20 lines on the parrot. You can choose any 10 lines for these 20 lines on parrot if the question is asked to write 10 lines on the parrot.
In this single short essay on parrot, many queries are solved related to parrot essay. So you have to know all the queries which will be very helpful for you to find the solution of your queries. Below are given all the queries which answers are given here.
If you are searching for 5 lines on Parrot, 5 sentences about parrot, a few lines on parrot, a short paragraph on parrot, 10 lines on parrot, 10 sentences about parrot for class 1 to class 5 then this essay is for you.
These are 5 Lines on Parrot given by Earning Careers. If you get a question to write 5 lines on parrot or 10 lines on parrot then you can consider this short essay on the parrot. We would recommend not to copy-paste these lines on Tiger rather than you can read it several times and then write it on your own. It will help to boost your writing power. This essay is helpful for those students who are searching for 5 Lines on Parrot for Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5.
If you want any other essay that is not available on our site then you can ask us in the comments. we will definitely provide you as soon as possible.
Q1. How Many Types of Parrot are in this World?
Ans - There are many types of parrots found in the World. Till date almost 402 species of parrots found in the World.
Q2. Where Can I Get a Talking Parrot?
Ans - There are no talking parrots in this world found in nature. You have to train them to talk. As they are quick learners they can easily learn human talking languages.
Q3. Which is the most beautiful parrot in the World?
Ans - As many species of beautiful parrots are found in the World so it is hard to decide the most beautiful among them. Many people considered Green Winged Macaw are the most beautiful parrot in this world.